world artist
Miriam Cojocaru

Keren Hayesod 15/2
54051, Ramat Ilan (Israele)

tel. 972-3-5324029

oil on  canvas,  40x80 cm, 2003


dreamy girl
oil on  canvas,  60x60 cm, 2003


oil on  canvas,  70x70 cm, 2002


Natasha 1
oil on  canvas,  45x35 cm, 1999


oil on  cardboard,  50x70 cm, 2002


watercolor on  paper,  50x40 cm, 2001


Seating young girl
oil on  canvas,  60x60 cm, 2002




1945 Born in Romania

1969 M/Sc. degree in Chemistry
1973 emmigrated to Israel
1982 Ph.D in Chemistry
Since 1983 Head of the Analytical Services Mass-Spectrometry Division at the Bar-Ilan University
In the summers of 1989-1991 visiting scientist at the
Department of Pharmacology at the University of Heidelberg-Germany .
Since 1985 taught courses in Advanced Inorganic Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry.
More than 50 publicated scientific papers.

Curriculum vitae:


Lectures in history of Art at Bar-Ilan and Tel-Aviv Universities. Studied drawing and painting at Avni Institute Tel-Aviv
Since 1991,member of the Israel Painters and Sculptor Association
Since 2000 member of the "Ten Women " painters group

One man exhibitions.

1992 "Landscapes " Beit Emmanuel , Ramat-Gan , Israel.
1993 "Landscapes " Wurtzweiller Library ,Bar-Ilan University,Ramat-Gan,Israel.
1997 Israel Painters and Sculptors Association Tel-Aviv,Israel.
1997 "Repetition" City Gallery Natanya,Israel.
1999 Landscapes" Library Gallery,Ramat-Gan,Israel.
1999 Arts & Crafts Center Rishon L'Zion,Israel.
2001 Full Emotion " Gallery Piacenza Italy

Colective Exhibitions.

1991 Israel Painters and Sculptors Association,Tel-Aviv,Israel.
1993 Beit Rishonim,Givattaim,Israel.
1994 Beit Alon,Givattaim,Israel.
1994 "Jerusalem 3000 "Wurtzweiller Library,Bar-Ilan University,Ramat-Gan,Israel.
1997 "The Forest " Israel Painters and Sculptors Association,Tel-Aviv,Israel.
1999 "Holocaust " Museum of the Bible,Tel-Aviv ,Israel.
1999 "20 Years of Bnei-Brit" Art Museum Ramat-Gan,Israel.
1999 "Wine around the sea " Winery Rishon L'Zion,Israel.
2000 "Peace Greetings " Arts Center of Givat - Haviva,Israel.
2000 Ephrat Art Gallery,Tel-Aviv,Israel.
2000 Museum of the Bible,Tel-Aviv,Israel.
2000 "Ten Women Painting" City Gallery Kvar-Saba,Israel.
"Landscapes of the Bible" Bible Museum T.A.
City Gallery Kvar-Sava
Congress Hall Jerusalem
2000 The days of Pulcheria Piacenza , Italy
2001 Chagall House Haifa
City Gallery Ashkelon

2001 The days of Pulcheria Piacenza , Italy
2001 Art Domain Ibiza -Guest Artist
2001 Biennale Internazionale dell'Arte Contemporanea - Firenze Italy
2002 " Femina " International Festival ,Bible Museum Tel-Aviv
2002 " The blue Line " Omma Gallery for Contemporary Art ,Chenia ,
Crete ,Greece
" The Song of the Songs " miniatures Bible Museum Tel-Aviv
2003 " Femina " International Festival ,Bible Museum Tel-Aviv
2003 Figurative painting - Majorca Gallery Palma de Majorca,Spain


Ultimo aggiornamento: sabato 10 Maggio 2003
Visitatori dal 2/7/2001 : 63703

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