world artist
Marina Zinkevitch

Oetwil am see (Svizzera)


Painting 1
acrilic on  canvas,  18x24 cm,


Painting 11
acrilic on  canvas,  27x37 cm,


Painting 14
acrilic on  canvas,  50x71 cm,


Painting 2
acrilic on  canvas,  30x40 cm,


Painting 4
acrilic on  canvas,  30x40 cm,




Russian born swiss painter Marina Zinkevitch presents part of her new
bizarre collection of paintings. There are not only new techniques
introduced, but also a deep philosophical content behind every painting.

We all went to school and know, that matter consists of atoms so do we.
That atoms don't disappear into nowhere, they just shape into different forms.
We all know that the universe existed billions of years before us and will
exist billions of years after.

With good luck we are here for seventy years of relative time.
Don't you think, that what's going on now is a dream, that what was
before and will be after is reality.
Don't you think, that there's a criss-cross of the antiworlds and time splits
happen every single moment.

That there is predestination in this chaotic world and you cannot escape
the smile of your very own FORTUNE


Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 24 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 7/10/2001 : 62039

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