world artist
Jan Brown Checco

360 Resor Avenue Cincinnati OH 45202
Cincinnati Ohio (Stati Uniti)

tel. 5137027083

Kali (detail)
mixed media on  ceramics,  40" x 18" x 8" cm, 2001


Pain for Appearance: Blonde Ambition
mixed media on  paper,  36" x 18" x 8" cm, 2001


Pain for Appearance: Tatoos
mixed media on  paper,  8" x 18" x 26" cm, 2001


Thinking About Women
pastel on  paper,  14" x 22" cm, 2001




Born June 3, 1952 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Jan Brown Checco creates images in two and three dimensional mediums which speak of her experience as a woman/wife/mother in the context of all women's stories throughout all time.
Some works are personal vignettes related to her own lifetime and family experiences; others are iconic, uniting with the creative voices of all cultures. Her work seeks to identify the forces which drive our conscious and unconscious choices and passions, and to distinguish the outer veneers of personal appearance from the nature of the inner psyche. "Peeling back a lifetime's worth of juxtaposed incongruities is fascinating, like the deciphering of a dream. I choose materials that act as signifiers for ideas discovered. Particularities conjoin and the resulting expression hangs together, albeit sometimes like a question mark in the air."

Jan is active in the Cincinnati arts community through exhibitions, advocacy and special arts project management. Her artwork is held in many private and public collections throughout the world. Current projects include curatorial work for international exhibitions and expansion of the artists exchange program for the Sister Cities Association of Cincinnati in conjunction with the School of Art at the University of Cincinnati.

Curriculum vitae:

Selected exhibitions:
2001 - National juried exhibition at Womanmade Gallery, Chicago USA
2000 - invitational at University of Cincinnati, Ohio USA Invitational in Munich, Germany at Heim und Handwerk 2000
1999 - Special presentation of painting in Gifu, Japan
Solo exhibition at the Carnegie Arts Center, Kentucky, USA
1998 - Private exhibition of works for the American Ambassador to Morocco in Fez, Morocco
National juried exhibition at Womanmade Gallery Chicago, USA
Regional invitational at Wabash Gallery Chicago, Illinois USA
1997 - Group exhibition at the Carnegie Arts Center, Kentucky, USA
Group exhibition at the Vermont Studio Center, Vermont USA
Group exhibition at John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis, California
1996 - Solo exhibition at Wellage an Buxton Gallery, Cincinnati
Solo exhibiton at Mullane's, Cincinnati, Ohio USA
Group exhibition at Parsons New School of Paris, France
Group exhibition at the Carnegie Arts Center, Kentucky, USA
1995 - Solo exhibition at Over the rhine Artists Gallery, Cincinnati
Public artwork for the opening of the Aronoff Arts Center
National juried exhibition at Womanmade Gallery Chicago, USA
State juried exhibition for Ohio Womens Caucus for the Arts, Toledo, Ohio USA
1994 - Group exhibition at the Berringer Crawford Museum, Covington, Kentucky (First Prize)
Regional juried exhibition at Art on the Square, Cincinnati
1993 - National juried exhibition at Lexington Art League, Kentucky, USA
(Honorable Mention)
Annual sculpture exhibition, Civic Garden Center, Cincinnati (Second Prize)
1992- International exhibition at Florida Museum of Hispanic and Latin American Art, Miami Florida, USA

Gallery associations: Suzanna Terrill Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio
Womanmade Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
John Natsoulas Gallery, Davis California


Ultimo aggiornamento: giovedì 19 Giugno 2003
Visitatori dal 29/8/2001 : 61258

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