world artist
Maristella Colombo

via G.Usellini 9 - 28041 Arona (NO)
Arona  (Italia)

tel. +39 3495859411

Butterflies from your fingers
photography on  paper,  21x29,7 cm, 2004


Butterflies from your fingers
photography on  paper,  21x29,7 cm, 2004


Butterflies from your fingers
photography on  paper,  21x29,7 cm, 2004


Butterflies from your fingers
photography on  paper,  21x29,7 cm, 2004


Butterflies from your fingers
photography on  paper,  21x29,7 cm, 2004




Italian Designer, Maristella Colombo after graduating with a BA in Visual Design and Communication in Milan (Italy) she moved to NYC (USA) and London (UK) to study Fashion Design.
After working for different fashion labels in Italy and abroad,now She works for her own label and as a free lance designer for different companies in Italy.
In 2005 She presented her first luxury avant garde womenswear collection "Les ombres des fleurs" in S.Benedetto del Tronto (Italy).
She has been invited to show her art - collection "I'm in love with a ghost" and video installation for BJCEM,Biennal of Young European and Mediterranean Artists in Naples last September 2005, in S.Elmo Castle. She works also as a visual artist, using photography,video art and performance. She show her works in many Italian and International Exibithions.

Curriculum vitae:


Name: Maristella
Surname: Colombo
Web Site:
Data of Birth: April 4th, 1979
Nationality: Italian

Professional Experiences
-Launcing of a new brand line of “conceptual” t-shirts and accessories for Women and Men made in Italy.
- Launcing or her fashion design consultant studio in Arona (NO) Italy.
-Fashion designer Consultant for Studio Nuti Manuela, Como (Italy).
-Product Manager Assistant, at Brums. Preca - Brummel . Carnago (VA). Italy. Childrenswear Collections.
- Assistant at Boudicca. Fashion label, London (UK).
-Graphic Designer at Duemilaservizi Magazine. Milan (Italy).
-Costume designer for New York Film Academy student's films. New York City (USA).
- Assistant at Susan Cianciolo’s Studio, American Fashion designer and Artist. New York City (USA).
-Worked at Apparel Shops at Free-Port Spa Cassano Magnano (VA) (Italy).
-Graphic designer at Marketing and Communication Office of Banca Popolare di Intra (VB) Italy.

London College of Fashion. Textile Technology course. London (UK).
London College of Fashion. Business Start up course. Starting your own fashion label. London (UK).
Istituto Marangoni fashion school. One Year Fashion Design Diploma. London (UK).
1998 - 2003
“The International College of Arts and Sciences”. BA Degree Art-Direction in Communication and Visual Design.
Final Mark:110/110. Milan (Italy).
“The International College of Arts and Sciences”. Marketing, P.R. and Communication Course of BIEMME Company.
Milan (Italy).
1994 - 1998
S.Maria, Scientific High School. Verbania - Intra (VB) (Italy).
Enrico Fermi, Scientific High school. Arona (NO) (Italy).

Exhibitions & Awards.
- Selected as photographer for Under Urban Mask Contest. Exhibition on 10th June 2006, Thini’ club, Milan (Italy).
- Selected at “SEAT FASHION DESIGNER’S AWARD”, Cannes (France), fashion show on 7th July 2006 at Palais de Festival de Cannes, Cannes (France).
- Selected at ARTECH MEDIA 06 (Arte Futuro), Video art, Digital art and Performance Festival.
Proiezione video arte “I’m in love with a ghost” presso i seguenti spazi espositivi: Centro Parraga, Regione Murcia,Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Unión Fenosa, Museo Vasco Artium, Museo Da2 de Salamanca, BilbaoArte, Casa Asia y el CCCB ambos de Barcelona y el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Spagna), info : .
- Selected at Corticorto’ Short films and Video Art festival, in Vicenza.
Projection of “I’m in love with a ghost” video art from 5th to 20th of May in Vicenza (VI) Italy.
- Selected as fashion designer and artist for Museum Fashion Day. Casoria Contemporary art Museum, Naples (Italy)19-21 May 2006.Fashion Performance.
- Selected for Arteam ICONARTS European Young Artist Prize, Celle Ligure (SV) Italy. Exhibition 29 April- 13 May 2006."My body landcsapes" photographic exhibition.
- Selected at AWW International Youth Salon. International Young Artists Salon at Alexandrie of Egypt.April 2006. "Io ascolto in silenzio" photographic exhibition.
- "Butterflies from your fingers" video art and "I'm in love with a ghost" video arts presentated at Indiana International Video Art & Architecture Festival - Video Art & Architecture event at the Indiana University Art Gallery (USA). Two nights of videos from around the world (March 24 and 25, 2006, 6 to 9 PM).
- “ Butterflies from your fingers” Video Art projection, “I’m in love with a ghost” Video Art projection selected for Temporary Identities – Video Art Event at Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Russia. April 6 - May 15, 2006
-“She loves her skin”, Photographic exhibition at Sala del Bramante, Open Art 2006 Award. Rome (Italy),

-”I’m in love with a ghost” exhibition/collection show and video installation at Piazza Madama Cristina Turin (TO). Italy
-“Butterflies from your fingers” Photographic Exhibition at “Fototessera” Paradigma Gallery, Turin (TO). Italy.
-“Io ascolto in silenzio” Photographic Exhibition at Contemporary Art Museum of Collegno – Turin. Selected for Prospettiva Neo Contest (Turin) Italy.
-BJCEM, Biennial of European and Mediterranean Young Artists (, represent Italy for Applied Arts: Fashion. Naples (italy). Fashion Show S/S 2006 “i’m in love with a ghost” Womenswear Collection.
-3° Award for Musicartemoda, Italian fashion design contest for new talent in S.benedetto del Tronto, with Altamodaltaroma.
Fashion Show A/W2006 Haute Couture womenswear Collection in S.Benedetto del Tronto (Italy) 20th August 2005.
-I Clipped Your Wings Video Installation Selected for MIFAV-Interfacce/Vetrine 2005 Contest Tor Vergata University . Villa Borghese. KODAK Room . Rome (Italy).
-Arteoggi 2000 presents: She loves her skin video - installation / photographic exhibition at "Le Ciminiere" art fair. Catania (CT) (Italia)
2° award Video Installation section: Young Artists.
-Arteoggi 2000 presents: She loves her skin video – installation/photographic exhibition. Racalmuto (Ag) (Italy).
2° award Video Installation section: Young Artists.

-Heavenly creatures presents: Butterflies from your fingers, photographic exhibition and Fashion show at Movie Theatre, White room.
Milan (Italy).
-She loves her skin, exhibition and Fashion show S/S 2004 at Bauhaus Club, Orchard Street, Lower East Side, New York City. (USA).

-Fotoesordio99 presents: Frammenti, Photographic exhibition at Tor Vergata University. Rome (Italy).

Italian (native speaker),English (written and spoken fluent).

Computing skills
Graphic Design & Printing Processing: Adobe Photoshop CS, Macromedia FreeHand MX, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw ,Quark XPress.
Web design: Macromedia FlasMX, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX
Editing: Adobe Premiere 6.0, Final Cut Pro HD.
Office Suite.
PC & Mac.

Membership 2003,2004,2005,2006 Italian Design Association for the Visual Communication (


Ultimo aggiornamento: mercoledì 28 Giugno 2006
Visitatori dal 20/6/2006 : 62150

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