world artist
Babele Magazine

La mappa della galleria

Art. 1 The assembly form a cultural association call Babele Arte with centre in 228, Rome Street, Piacenza.
Art. 2 Babele Arte is a non-profit association.
Art. 3 The purpose of the association is the promotion and diffusion or culture in general, with a particular reference to theatre artistic activity and increase all kind of expressionist activity with finality to developpe uman personality and his moral, social and civil education, pursuing this objects:
a) production, organization and realization of events, performances, competitions, conferences, meetings and debates, national and international artistic exchanges;
b) organization and realization of artistic exhibitions;
c) search, documentation and organization of introductury seminar and courses, born to make a favourite of education and formation;
d) production, organization and realization of events, cultural exhibitions with other associations;
e) Exploitation and promotion of knowledge of cultural, artistic, historic and literary patrimony;
f) Promotion of all suitables enterprises reaching social object.
To this purpose the Association could develop management activities, lease and ordinary maintenance of immovables and other goods. Babele Arte is a non-political, non-party and non-coffessional association.
Art. 4 Patrimony of the association is composed by acqired immovables and movables goods, that arrive from generous contriution or deductions from private or pubblic institutions or from natural person.
Art. 5 For the fulfilment of her tasks, the Association dispose of the follow receipts:
a) associative quotas;
b) economical contributions and benefits from private and public subjects;
c) proceeds from the organization of events, subscriptions and from general activity of the Association.
Art. 6 During her life, the Association can't distribute gross or profit carried, let alone funds, reserves or capital, with the exception that destination or distribution are imposed by law. Incidental gross or profit carried must be restored in the activity of the Association.
Art. 7 Annually board of directors decide about associative quote. Associative quote or contribution is revaluable or transmissible only in case of death.
Art. 8 All natural and juridical persons with moral requirement can take part to this Association. People must submit an inscription request and engarde oneself to respect the statute and pay annually the associative quote. In case of admission as member for associative corporation, the president of this corporation or a legal agent take part to the assembly with the right to vote.
Art. 9 Members are different to the founders: founders are the people who partecipate to the constitution of the Association, all the others are ordinary. All members are regular and they have right to partecipate to association life and events organized by the association. They can also frequent the place, in accordance with the terms of this statute. All members of full age have the right to vote in general members assembly and they enjoy to active and passive electoral right.
Art. 10 All members are compelled to pay the associative quote and integrative amount decided by the steering commitee only as compensation for istitutional activity expenses and for the production of some services supply to members or other category of the Association.
Art. 11 Duties of members:
a) take part with interest to Association activities;
b) respect all goods and members of the Association.
Art. 12 Title of members die for:
a) recession;
b) non-payment of associative note;
c) expultion with decision to assembly for impopatible behaviour with finality of the Association.
Loss of member quality not give the right to reimbursement of paid contribution, neither to allowance of contribution of the courrent year.
Art. 13 Organisms of the Association:
a) General Members Assembly;
b) Directive Council.
Art. 14 All associative offices are honorary appointments: there are no remuration but only the reimbursement of well-documented expenses.
Art. 15 Istitutional activity and regular operation of structures could be assured by voluntary and free services supply by the members; in case of particular and complicated services that members can't carry out, the Association can engage other workers.
Art. 16 Members Assembly is the first organism of the Association. Her resolutions are supreme. Every year, within april, Directive Council call together the Assembly, composed by all members of full age, to approve the statement of account. Directive Council can or 1/3 of the members can summon the assembly, specifying the theme of the meeting. The convocation must happen with display of an announcement (in the head office) 15 days before the assembly date or with simple letter or e-mail send to all members in the same terms.
Art. 17 Assembly is presided by the President, and in his absence, by the vice-President or by the old counsellor. The assembly is valid on first convocation when half more one members with right to vote are present. On second convocation, the assembly is always valid and she deliberate for all present and represented members.
Not ordinary assembly is valid and she can deliberate: on first convocation with favour or majority (2/3 of members with right to vote), on second convocation with favour of majority (numbers of members with right to vote that partecipate to the assembly). Every Assembly the secretary will compile, on special register, the record. The record must be signed by the President.
Art. 18 Ordinary Assembly deliberate about:
a) approval of social operation statement of account (the end of social operation is 31.12) and estimate budget
b) election of Directive Council members
c) fixation of general activities of the Association
d) expulsion of members of choice about disciplinary measures for them
e) other theme decided by the President of Directive Council.
Not Ordinary Assembly deliberate about:
a) moification of the statute
b) dissolution
c) other theme decided by the President of Directive Council.
Art. 19 Ordinary Assembly can designate a reviser or a group of revisers composed by three fixed and two temporary members. Duration of inspector organ is three years and this organ is re-elegible. Votation is a secret scrutiny, each members have right to one vote.
Art. 20 Whitin seven days, New Directive Council will meet for the election of the follow interior positions:
a) President,
b) Vice-President,
c) Secretary.
Art. 21 Assembly with favour or majority (2/3 of meritorius members or famous people on cultural surrounding) can elect an honorary President without functions.
Art. 22 If number of Counci members reduced of an inferior number of members to the half, the same Organ will supply to theirs restore and it will give immediate communication to associates. With an inferior number of members to the half, the Council is from considering itself decayed and the President will convene, within a month, the Assembly of the Associates for one new election. The members of the Council decay from load in case they do not take part to three consecutive reunions without justified reason.
Art. 23 Once a year Council organize a meeting to deliberate about statement of account and estimate budget to submit to approvation of the Assembly and when the President decide about it or at least two members make a justified request. Convocation must be done by postal letter send to all members within 10 days until date of meeting. The Council, presided by President or Vice, deliberate with absolute majority. For each meeting of the Council, the secretary must compile the verbal on apposite register. The verbal will be countersigned by the President.
Art. 24 Council tasks:
a) accomplish Assembly resolutions,
b) menage Association property and supply to the reaching of associative purposes, exercising all actions of ordinary and extraordinary administration not absolutely reserved to the Assembly,
c) deliberate about the admittance of new members or resignation,
d) designate interior positions,
e) arrange statement of account and estimate budget to submit to the Assembly,
f) establish associative note.
Art. 25 The President has social signature and legal representation of the Association with other people and judgment. He presides the meetings of the Assembly and of the Directive Council, he orders the convocation and he cures the execution of the relative deliberations. In case he is not available or he is disabled to carry out the own functions will be replaced from Vice-president.
Art. 26 The Association is valid until 31 december 2077.
Art. 27 The issolution of the Association could be deliberated from the General Assembly on extraoridnary meeting, how previewed in art. 21 of Civil code. With the same rules the liquidators must be named. Casual residual activities will be destined, in harmony with the purposes of the Association, to other Association with analogous purposes that is fine of public usefullness.
Art. 28 Any controversy depending to the execution or interpretation of the present Statute will be remittance to the judgment of a friendly arbitrator composer that will judge according to fairness and without procedure formality, making not ritual arbitration. The arbitrator will be chosen by common consent between contending parts; in absence of agreement to the nomination of the arbitrator, the President of the Court of Piacenza will supply.



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